Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Let the Sunshine

Well it is about time...It is finally sunny today. The last few days have been awful. Pouring rain doesn't even describe the amount of rain we have had for the past few days.
It has been down right miserable. What have we done to make the weather God's so mad???

Our backyard turned into a small pond and the street a fast moving river.

Rain even caused the government to call liberal leave. You only hear that on snow days. Also, MSNBC has even been paying close attention toay to a dam at Lake Needwood that is being pushed to the limit and on the verge of being breeched.

I am just so thankful that the weather is back to normal. HHH Hazy, Hot and Humid...

Granted, I could do with out the humid...makes for bad hair days.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Here we go again

Yes...we are once again debating breast feeding vs. bottle feeding.
It is just as bad as when we debate working moms vs. stay at home moms.
People, get over it already. There is no winner on either side. Why can't we just agree to disagree.
Oh yes, you shove statistics, bargraphs, and test groups in our faces to try and prove your point. But come on... how many women out there change their entire routine and lifestyle because of a govenment report aired on the 6'oclock news.

I believe the only ones who are brainwashed into believing all this hogwash is the newly pregnant first time mom who is paranoid over every detail of raising a healthy happy perfect child.

But all us moms with more then 1 child know that all the planning and safeguarding is tossed out the window once you have your second.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

1 Ringy Dingy

I am happy to say that after a week we finally have a working land line again. I did have the home calls forwarded to my cell phone....or at least I had thought so. People would either get a recording saying there was trouble on the line or just constant ringing. Well, after calling Verizon 3 days in a row, they finally got it right. Not that I received many calls from the land line.

Verizon also gave us one of those appointment windows....where you are assured they would show up early if you took a few seconds to run a short errand, or if you were good and waited the entire time, they would show up 2 secs. before the appointment time is suppose to end.
I am please to say my window was from 8-12 and they arrived about 9:15 and had it all up and running in about an hour.

And to prove it is working fine the first call I got was a telemarketer...Figures.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Behind the Wheel

It finally happened.....Ryan drove for the first time today.

Ryan has been 16 for 3 month, but hasn't really had the desire to drive. We decided today to take him to the parking lot of his highschool and get him behind the wheel.
He went with Mike this morning and then I took him again in the evening.
I have to admit I was calmer then I thought I would be...I didn't have that white knuckle death grip on the door handle and I didn't feel the need to push the imaginary brake on the floor. (Even though we all know it helps the driver slow the car down)

I was very impressed with his driving ability the first time out. We figure we will take him every so often before he heads to drivers ed at the end of summer. Plus, he needs to spend time going over the drivers manual before he can take the test for his learners permit.

Notice the hand at the 10-2 position and eyes on the road....(small beads of sweat are on the brow.)

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Written in Stone

Of course where there is a little wet cement, who can resist the urge to write in it. So, when the cement had cured for a few hours I went out and carved in each of our initials... plus the year.

Driveway Pics

One photo is what the city is doing to all the bottoms of our driveways on the street. The other photo is the cement truck pulling in to my driveway to lay the new cement.

Many questions from neighbors as to why did Igot a new drive....I have my story and I am sticking to it. Oh, like I am going to tell them I was able to get a new driveway for $500.00.....I think not.